Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Looking at Escher's geometric pieces puts me in mind of the typical masters like Klimt' Klée and Picasso.

George Grosz, while not typically associated with the cubism movement, he gained a lot of influence from it. One of his paintings (Metropolis- 1917, left) really ties in with what I'm looking at; busy, full framing, strong, dark colours and the architectural subject matter. The buildings in this piece have a heavy, exaggerated perspective, a quality you do not really see in Escher's work, or my own. I do think, however, the full framing and detail are really inspiring.

Paul Klée's (Poster Houses with Stairway, left, Three Houses and a Bridge, below) architectural pieces are very similar to the large plans I have painted for my etching so far. They are strongly geometric and even remind me of the tessellating shapes of the 3D plans I have started to create, filling the page with constantly repeating shapes, while quite simple. It is actually an interesting take on this idea, while they are tessellating and fit together with a precision that I really like, I find them less harsh, less technical than Escher's pieces.

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