Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Post Silk Screen Printing Thoughts.

I immediately fell in love with the process of printing, but am unable to continue until the introductory workshop on the 25 of November.  so I looked at some other ways of printing and working with glass. I would like to create another large drawing though, to both show my development since this print was concieved and to parhaps etch onto this large piece of acrylic.

While I am still planning the large etching, I am thinking of printing onto the piece. I have found a book called glass and print, which follows on well from the printing I have done. I will search the book and perhaps find further inspiration by looking into artists in this area. while the process of printing onto glass might be quite complex (further research required) I could perhaps print onto the plastic instead of an etching.

One artist who did catch my eye was Davina Kirkpatrick, someone who works on glass mainly in a architectural setting.

I also found a book called Wood Engraving, which mainly focuses on the literature aspect of printing, looking at victorian book illustrations and the process from the 1930's, and a lot of the processes in this book reflect the styles and techniques of other artists I have been looking at.

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